The Leatherman...

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This is my dad! He's a leathercraftsman and a member of the Mississippi Craftsman's Guild. He taught himself this craft, during his spare-time, while he was a rural mail carrier. He retired from the Postal Service after 30 years, and began to do leatherwork full time. For a time, he made saddles from scratch, and all of the accessories that go along with them. He did that for several years, but now he does mainly smaller stuff...decorative boxes, purses, ammo pouches and many other things. His work is absolutely beautiful! To see some of Pop's workclick here.



This is Pop at the Pink Palace Crafts Fair in Memphis, TN., surrounded by a group of school kids!


I've always thought of my dad as a cowboy, in the truest sense of the word...he just seemed to personify the best values of the old west. Cowboy A gentle, quiet strength, loyalty, a very strong sense of family, and a love for animals and the outdoors. He and my mom used to own and ride horses, and they won lots of trophys. I guess that's another reason I think of him as a cowboy.:)

Running Horse

My son and I live with my mom and dad, and have for most of Sebe's life. In the beginning, I stayed there because I thought that Sebe needed a man in his life(I still believe it was the best thing for him), and, as it turned out, it was definitely the best thing for me as well! I am pretty sure I couldn't have dealt with Sebe's illneses alone. And I know I couldn't deal with both of ours! My dad is the strongest person I know...when he's around, I feel safe. I always have. He has given me strength and courage, and I don't have the words to tell him how much he means to me. I want this to be a tribute to him, because he is such a good man.



Pop comes across as gruff and taciturn to some people...but he is really kind and soft-hearted. He loves the comics, and Laurel and Hardy, and Lonesome Dove, and John Wayne movies. He enjoys demonstrating at craft shows and meeting people there. He also enjoys birdwatching and reading.


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